How You Order From MillionEssays
1. How to Submit Your Order With Us
MillionEssays order form can be used to submit your assignment to professional writers. You are strongly encouraged to provide any additional files or specifications that your professor assigned to complete the task. Without the necessary information, it is difficult to compose a paper according to the client's expectations. Your order is submitted, and now you will be given personal access to the live messenger. You will be able to get in touch with your writer in person. This convenient feature will assist in monitoring your order progress. Now you can make sure that your writer is working precisely with your guidelines. MillionEssays Customer Support Team is available 24/7 to assist with any issues.
Benefit from our service: Save 25%
Along with the first order offer - 15% discount (with the code order15off), you save extra 10% since we provide 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page
Order now
2. Proceed With Your Order Payment
Please make your payment after submitting your order. Only after your payment confirmation, your order is available to professional writers on the MillionEssays system. The time for your order to complete is calculated from the moment your payment is received. Your order is always assigned to our staff writer with relevant experience in your subject. Your order will be completed within the mentioned timeframes.
3. Check Your E-mail Regularly
All the order information, as well as the confirmations, are always sent to the specified e-mail. Please check your messages regularly when your order is being processed. There are usually some questions from the assigned writer or from MillionEssays Support Team. Your cooperation is required to provide the best possible quality of our writing services.
4. Log Into Your Personal Account
Your personal account is available for all order-related communication and updates. Make sure to log in on a regular basis and check news during your cooperation with us.
5. Download Your Order From Our Site
As soon as your order is completed, it will be checked for plagiarism with MillionEssays advanced software. Then it is uploaded into your personal account and you can download it any time. Moreover, your order will be attached to an email notification sent to the specified email address. If you think that some original instructions were not followed, you can request a free revision for 2 days after you receive the writing.
6. Fill in Our Customer Survey
Please take your time to fill in our customer survey. It will take only a few minutes to assist us in monitoring the services we provide. It is the best way to check our writers' work. We are always working to improve the quality of our services. Therefore, your assistance is highly valuable.
How it works

Step 1
Fill out the form
We’ve created an online form that contains all the information we need to know about your future order. Therefore, to have your project delivered with the highest possible level, please enter as many details on your piece of writing as you can.
Step 2
Make a Payment
Pay without risk! Use our easy payment opportunity. We support the most reliable and trusted payment systems and guarantee the security of your money. Enjoy your free time while our professionals work on your project.
Step 3
Control the writing process
Then a particular writer is assigned to your order by our administration. After the order goes into the processing stage, you can contact the writer directly to provide some further details and monitor the order progress.
Step 4
Plagiarism scan
Plagiarism scan. After the custom paper is written, it goes through two anti-plagiarism checking programs, where our up-to-date software scans the paper for duplication and for plagiarism.
Step 5
Downloading completed orders
Downloading completed orders. You will be notified when your work is ready. You are free to download the ordered paper from your personal account. Another copy will be sent to you by email. Just download it and get the best grades for all of your writing assignments.