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Do you want to understand the secret of the success of criminal justice research topics? Many students decide to enroll in criminology programs because a career in this field is particularly rewarding. Most probably, these students are concerned about justice and want to improve the situation in their communities. Many of these students want to work with law enforcement because it will help them become a valuable asset in the system that regulates the social order. What comes to your head when you think about justice? Jail, law, equality, etc.? You should understand that there are many more concepts and theories that can be discussed in your essays and research papers. Our guide aims to provide you with the great criminal justice topics suggestions so that you could improve your writing competence and create wonderful papers. In our guide, you will find the list of great topics that will help you understand what subjects are the burning issues in the contemporary criminal justice system. You can either choose some topics from the list or just use this list as your source of inspiration and make up your own topics. Composing a good topic is sometimes very difficult because a good topic always provides the researcher with room for discussion. Therefore, a good topic should be neither too narrow nor too broad. Ideally, the writer should pick up one relevant subject and focus on its main angles.

What Is Criminal Justice?

Before you familiarize yourself with the common criminal justice research paper topics, we recommend you to learn what is criminal justice. Basically, criminal justice is a system that aims to prevent and reduce the occurrence of crimes. It is focused mainly on sanctioning violators and maintaining the rule of law. It should be pointed out that criminal justice systems vary in different countries.


Criminal justice has a long history. Actually, it is as old as society itself. Since the very beginning of humanity, there were people, who wanted to violate the order in which all the citizens co-existed peacefully. Soon, people realized that it was necessary to create a system that would punish criminals and prevent crimes. As a result, those people who tried to compromise the established order and violate the laws were punished. For this reason, many students decide to pursue their careers in this dynamic field. Nowadays, becoming a well-educated criminal justice specialist and maintaining the order is a noble mission. However, unfortunately, not all students recognize how challenging it is to receive a degree in criminal justice. The students will have to complete multiple assignments and undergo numerous tests and examinations that will help them gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to become great specialists.

Good Research Topics for Criminal Justice

Many students find it very difficult to find good research topics for criminal justice. The importance of a great topic can hardly be underestimated. No wonder, choosing a bad topic, you will never provide a great paper. At the same time, good criminology topics are quite limited because they should suggest a hypothesis based on case studies and legislative acts. To make your paper interesting for your reader, you need to pick up the topic that fits your career interests. Indeed, if the topic does not seem interesting to you, the whole writing process will turn into torture. Considering the fact that criminology is a dynamic field, you need to pick up the topic that will be relevant and up-to-date.

Before choosing a topic, we recommend you to make the preliminary research and brainstorm your ideas. You may even create a list of several good college essay topics and with the help of the set of questions provided below, you will understand which one will help you develop a great essay:

  • Is this criminal justice topic relevant?
  • Why it is important to explore this particular topic?
  • What is the significance of this topic on a global scale?
  • Can this topic help write a speech?
  • Is this topic good for writing a persuasive paper, a compare and contrast essay, an explanatory essay, etc.?
  • Have you found the papers on similar topics on the web?
  • Does this topic fit your grading rubric?

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Below, you will find examples of the most relevant criminal justice topics. Look through them and enhance your writing inspiration!

  1. The importance of eyewitness evidence.
  2. Law code of mental hospitals.
  3. College violence cases. An explorative study.
  4. The history of criminal ethics.
  5. Domestic violence and the ways of its prevention.
  6. Crime propaganda in contemporary Rap music.
  7. The benefits of private prisons.
  8. The prevention of substance abuse.
  9. Sniffer dog practice.
  10. Youth gangs and their effect on the psychological health of adolescents.
  11. Are parents responsible for the deviant behavior of their children?
  12. The relation of crime and mental health of the individual.
  13. A discussion of gender bias in legal investigations.
  14. Religious aspects of hate crime.
  15. Conventional crime versus cybercrime. Characteristic features of both.
  16. How to prevent gun violence in public places?
  17. A discussion of justice in marginalized/vulnerable communities.
  18. How to treat insane criminals?
  19. A comparative analysis of the US and UK justice systems.
  20. Discuss the main shortcomings of the US extradition law.
  21. Analysis of the concepts related to execution and justice.
  22. The main types of serial killers.
  23. Criminal justice and distributive justice. A comparative analysis.
  24. Discuss US immigration law.
  25. Corruption as the main problem of the underdeveloped countries.
  26. Analyze the correlation between race and deviant behavior.
  27. Discuss the dangers of wrongful convictions.
  28. What are the essential parts of the process of a criminal trial?
  29. Discuss the main reasons for juvenile recidivism.
  30. Analyze the US prison system.
  31. What are the most effective ways of crime prevention?
  32. Evaluate the police-community relations in the United States.
  33. Depiction of crime in mass media. Discuss the major threats.
  34. Indicate the ways in which criminology can be adopted into public policy.
  35. Evaluate the influence of Miranda versus Arizona on modern society.
  36. Analyze the main reasons for juvenile delinquency.
  37. Mass incarceration. An exploratory study.
  38. Does pornography equal violence?
  39. Discuss the reasons for brutality against suspects in the US criminal justice system.
November 19, 2019