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Topic: Social Issues
Number of pages / Number of words: 3 / 667
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(Developing Country Focus: Sudan)

When third world countries end up with a food shortage due to war, hunger relief programs such as Oxfam, World Vision, World Concern, Mercy Corps, World Hunger Year, and World Food Programme come in to help with the situation. They bring in food and other supplies. The opposing army has been known to ambush the food brought in for the people living in war torn areas...

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The opposing army has been known to ambush the food brought in for the people living in war torn areas. (Messer) As shown in the graph below even with help from these organizations hunger is a serious concern in developing countries and affects nearly one billion people every day. Most of the countries in these parts of the world have been at war or in some conflict in the last 10 years...

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General points of the essay

World Hunger WORLD FOOD CRISIS: ITS CONSEQUENCES AND UNDERLYING PROBLEMS The IMF, World Bank and WTO: The Burden of Developing Countries Developing Countries in the World Trade in Agriculture: Bangladesh Perspective. The Effects of Industrial Economic Control on Developing and Third World Countries The Problems And Solutions Of Developing Research Culture In Third World Countries The Comparative Effectiveness of the World Bank and MNE’s on Developing Countries (Trade and Development) World Food Climate Change and World Food Supply McDonald's: Serving fast food around the world Mcdonald's:Serving Fast Food Around The World The Spire: How does Golding show the contrast between the world of faith and the real world in chapter 2? Alistair MacLeod- Modern world versus Traditional World Health Effects Of Fast Food In Our Current World The Future of the World Food Supply Chain in India

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