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Topic: Miscellaneous
Number of pages / Number of words: 2 / 544
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The fact of the matter is that it is

unlikely that people such as the knight existed even in the fourteenth

century. As he does with all of his characters, Chaucer is producing a

stereotype in creating the knight. As noted above, Chaucer, in describing

the knight, is describing a chivalric ideal...

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As he does with all of his characters, Chaucer is producing a

stereotype in creating the knight. As noted above, Chaucer, in describing

the knight, is describing a chivalric ideal. The history of the Middle

Ages demonstrates that this ideal rarely was manifested in actual conduct.

Nevertheless, in his description of the knight, Chaucer shows the reader

the possibility of the chivalric way of life...

Essay fragment

General points of the essay

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