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(H)APT- to touch (H)APH- sense of touch aphephobia – morbid fear of contact with other persons

ACANTH- thorn, pricle hexacanth – having six hooks

ACOU- ACU- to hear acoustic

ACR- extremity, summit acropolis, acrobat

ACTIN- ray actinogenic – producting radiation

ADELPH- brother Philadelphia, adelphogamy – brother and sister mating

ADEN- gland adenophore – the stalk of a nectar gland

AER- air, gas aerosol, aeroplane

AGOG(UE)- inducing the flow of, expelling cholagogue – an agent which promotes the flow of bile

-AGRA painful seizure arthragra – muscular pain in the joints

ALEX- to ward off alexin – a complement

ALG- pain analgesic – remedy for relieving pain

ALL- other, different parallel, allogamy – cross-fertilization; opposite of autogamy

AMBLY- dull

AMYGDAL- almond, tonsil amygdalitis – inflammation of the tonsils

AMYL- starch amyloid – a starchlike chemical

ANCON- elbow anconeus – a small muscle at the back of the elbow joint

ANDR- man, male android

ANGI- vessel angiitis – inflammation of blood or lymph vessel

ANKYL- bent, stiff, adhesion of parts ankylocheilia – adhesion of the lips

ANTH- flower chrysanthemum

ANTHROP- man, human being anthropology

ANTR- cavity, sinus antritis – maxillary sinusitis

ARACHN- spider arachnidium – apparatus by which a spider web is produced

ARCH(E)- ancient, beginning, primitive archeology, archenteron – embryonic alimentary cavity

ARGYR- silver argyria – dusty gray discoloration of skin

ARTHR- joint, speech sound, articulation arthritis

ASC- bag ascogenous – producing asci

ASTR- ASTER- star asterisk, astrology

AUT- self automobile

AUX(E)- increase auxesis – increase in size or bulk

BA- to step, to go, to walk acrobat, base, basis, basophobia

BALAN- acorn, the glans penis balanoid – acorn shaped

BALL- BOL- BLE- to throw, to put metabolism

BAR- weight, pressure BARY- heavy barometer, baritone

BI- life biography

BLAST- bud, germ, embryonic cell astroblast – a primitive cell which develops into an astrocyte

BLENN- mucus oligoblennia – a deficient secretion of mucus

BLEP- to see ablepsia – loss of vision

BLEPHAR- eyelid ablephary – absence of the eyelids

BRACHI- arm brachiopod – member of a subclass of marine mulluscs having many foliaceous appendages

BRACHY- short brachypodous – possessing a short foot or stalk

BRADY- slow bradycardia – abnormal slowness of the heart

BRANCHI- gills arthrobranchial – pertaining to joint gills

BROM- stench, bromine bromide bromopnea – fetid breath

BRONCH(I)- air tube bronchitis – inflammation of mucous membrane of bronchial tubes

BRY- moss bryophyte – any of the mosses or liverworts

BUL- BOUL- will hyperbulia – exaggerated willfulness

CAC- KAK- bad cacesthesia – any morbid sensation

CALYPT(R)- hidden calyptobranchiate – with gills not visible from exterior

CAMP(T)- CAMPYL- bent acampsia – inflexibility or rigidity of a joint or limb

CARCIN- cancer carcinogen – any cancer producing substance

CARDI- heart

CARP- fruit actinocarpous – plants with flowers and fruit radially arranged

CARP- wrist carpitis – arthritis of the carpal joint in domestic animals

CAU- CAUS- to burn holocaust, cryocautery – destruction of tissues by application of extreme cold

CEL(I)- COEL- -COEL cavity, abdominal cavity celiotomy – opening of the abdominal cavity

-CELE hernia, swelling enterocele – hernia containing a loop of intestine

CENTE- to puncture enterocentesis – surgical puncture of the intestine

CEPHAL- head enCEPHAL- brain acrocephaly – deformity of the head

CERC- tail circus – jointed appendage at end of abdomen occurring in many arthropods

CHEIL- CHIL- lip acheilia – absence of the lips

CHIR- CHEIR- hand chiropractor, chirography – handwriting

CHLAMYD- cloak, envelope haplochlamydeous – having rudimentary leaves in connection with sporophylls

CHLOR- green, chlorine chloroplast

CHOL(E)- bile, gall melancholy, cholochrome – any bile pigment

CHONDR- CHONDRI- cartilage, granule hypochondriac

CHOR(I)- fetal membrane, tunic of the eyeball chorioblastosis – abnormal proliferation of cells of the chorion

CHORD- cord chorditis – inflammation of the spermatic cord

CHROM- CHROMAT- CHRO- color monochrome

CHRON- time chrono trigger, chronological

CHY- to pour CHYM- CHYL- juice chylophyllous – with fleshy leaves

CLAD- branch cladode – branch arising from axil of leaf or green

CLAS- to break arthroclasia – breaking down of ankylosis of joint

CLEID- clavicle hypocleidium – the interclavicle

CLI- CLEI- to close CLEIST- closed iridenclaisis – stretching of the iris

CLON(US)- muscle spasm logoclonia – explosive or spasmodic enunciation of words

CLY(S)- to wash enteroclysis – injection of a fluid preparation into the rectum

COCC- berry-shaped organism cytococcus – nucleus of a fertilized egg

COL- colon colic

COLL(A)- glue collagen – the albuminoid substance of the white fiber of connective tissue

COLP- vagina aerocolpos – distention of the vagina with air or gas

CONDYL- knob, knuckle amphicondylous – having two ccipital condyles

CONI- dust conidiophore – bearing condia, a fungal spore

COPR- excrement coprolite – petrified feces

COR(E)- pupil of the eye cornea, corediastasis – dilation of the pupil

CORM- trunk of a tree or body schistocormus – a monster having a cleft thorax

CRA- to mix crater, hematodyscrasia – diseased state of the blood

CRANI- cranium amphicrania – headache affecting both sides of head

CRI- to separate, to distinguish CRIN- to secrete critic, hypocrite, endocrine – secreting internally

CROT- pulse beat anacrotism – the condition in which two or more notches occur on the ascending limb of the pulse curve

CRY- CRYM- cold, ice crystal

CRYPT- hidden

CYAN- blue cyan, cyanide, cyanochrous – having a blue skin

CYCL- circle, wheel, ciliary body of the eye cycle, cyclone, acryclia – state of arrested circulation of body fluids

CYE- to be pregnant cyophoria – pregnancy, gestation

CYN- dog cynic, cynopodous – with nonretractile claws

CYST- bladder, cyst, sac polycystic – containing many cysts

CYT- cell cytosome

DACRY- tear dacryocystitis – inflammation of the lacrimal sac

DACTYLE- finger, toe

DE- to bind DESM- ligament adesmy – a break or a division in an organ

DEC(A)- ten decathlon, decapod – having ten legs

DEM- people, country democracy, epidemic

DENDR- tree zoodendrium – a treelike branched stalk of certain colonial infusorians

DERM- DERMAT- skin dermatologist

DEUT- DEUTER- second deuterogenesis – second phase of embryonic development

DI- twice, double dilemma, dibranchiate – having two gills

DICH- in two dichoptic – having the borders of the compound eye separate

DIDYM- twin, testicle didymospore – a two-celled spore

DIPS- thirst adipsia – absence of thirst

DOCH- to take or receive sialodochoplasty – plastic surgery of a salivary gland duct

DOLICH- long dolichorrhine – having a long nose

DREPAN- sickle drepanocyte – a crescent shaped cell

DROM- running, course syndrome

DYNAM- DYN- power dynasty, dyno

EC- OEC- OEK- OIK- OIC- house economy, ecology, zooecium – a chamber or sac enclosing a polyzoan nutritive zooid

ECH- echo, repetition echolalia – the meaningless repetition of words spoken by others

EDE- to swell edema – excessive accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces

EME- to vomit hyperemesis – excessive vomiting

ENNE(A)- nine ennead – a group of nine

ENTER- intestine anenterous – having no alimentary tract

EO(S)- dawn or early age, rosy Eolithic – relating to earliest period of the Stone Age

ER- EROT- love zooerastia – sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal

ERG- work energy, allergy

ERYTHR- red photerythrous – sensitivity to the red end of the spectrum

ESTHER- AESTHE- ESTHE- to feel, to perceive aesthetics

EURY(S)- wide euryphagous – subsisting on a wide variety of foods

GALACT- GALA- milk galaxy, galactose, galactorrhea – excessive flow of milk

GAM- marriage, union monogamy

GANGLI- mass of nerve tissue, small cyst or swelling gangliocyte – a ganglion cell outside the central nervous system

GATR- GASTER- stomach, belly of a muscle gastronomic

GE- earth geography

GEN(E)- GON- to be produced, to produce GON- seed genesis, hydrogen, genocide, gonad – sexual gland

GENY- jaw, cheek GENI- chin genyplasty – surgical reconstruction of the jaw

GER- GERONT- old person, old age gerodontia – dentistry for the aged

GEU- to taste dysgeusia – perversion of the sense of taste

GLAUC- silver, gray-green glaucophane – blue, bluish black, grayish silicate of sodium

GLI- glue angiogliomatosis – a glioma rich in blood vessels

GLOSS- GLOT(T)- tongue, language glossary

GLYC- sugar GLYCOS- sugar, glucose glycogen

GNATH- jaw

GNO- to know diagnosis

GON(I)- angle trigonometry, pentagon, hexagon, trigonid – triangle of cusps of the lower molar teeth

GON(Y)- GONAT- knee gonalgia – pain in the knew joint

GRAPH- to write -GRAM thing written graph, biography, paragraph, cardiogram

GYMN- naked, uncovered gymnasium

GYN(E)- GYNEC- GYNAEC- female ergatogyne – a female ant

GYR- circle, ring gyroidal – spiral in arrangement

HAL- salt halite – rock salt

HAPL- single haploid – having the number of chromosomes characteristic of mature germ cells for the organism in question

HECT- hundred hectare, hectogram – one hundred grams

HELI- sun helium, heliocentric, heliopsis – a flower resembling the sunflower

HELIC- HELIX spiral helicopter, helix

HELMINTH- worm helminthoma – a tumor caused by the presence of a parasitic worm

HEM- HEMAT- HAEM- HAEMAT- blood haematobic – living in blood

HEMI- half hemisphere, hemibranch – a gill having filaments on one side only

HEPAT- HEPAR- liver hepatitis

HEPT(A)- seven heptagynous – having seven pistils

HETER- other, different heterogeneous

HEX(A)- six hexagon, hexagynous – having six pistils

HIDRO(S)- sweat chromhidrosis – a rare condition in which the sweat is colored

HIPP- horse hippopotamus, Hippidion – genus of extinct Pleistocene horses

HIST- HISTI- tissue histozoic – living on or within the tissues

HOD- OD- road, way method, cathode

HOL- whole, entire holocaust, hologynic – sex linked characteristics transmitting directly from female to female

HOM- HOME- same, similar homosexual, homochromous – of one color

HYAL- glass, vitreous body of the eye hyalinosis – hyaline degeneration

HYDR- water, fluid hydrant, hydrogen

HYGR- moisture hygroscopic – readily absorbing moisture

HYPN- sleep hypnosis, hypnotherapy – treatment of disease by hypnosis

HYSTER- uterus, hysteria hysterotomy – incision of the uterus

IATR- physician, medical treatment psychiatry

ICHTHY- fish ichthyotoxismus – food poisoning from fish

IDE- idea, mental image idea, ideophobia – morbid fear of ideas

IDI- one’s own, peculiar, distinct idiot, idiom, ideology, idiotype – individual genotype

IN- fiber, muscle inosemia – excess of fibrin in blood

IRID- IRIS- iris, rainbow

IS- equal, same isozoic – inhabited by similar forms of animal life

ISCH- to suppress ischuria – retention or suppression of the urine

ISCHI- hip ischiodidymus – conjoined twins united at the hip

KARY- CARY- nucleus, nut caryoclastic – agent which splits the cell nucleus

KERAT- CERAT- KER- CER- horn, horny tissue, cornea rhinoceros, brachycerous – short horned

KILO- one thousand kilogram – one thousand grams

KINE- CINE- to move cinema, kinetic

KYM- CYM- wave cymotrichous – having wavy hair

LAL- to talk bradylalia – flowness of utterance

LARYNG- larynx laryngopathy – any disease of the larynx

LECITH- yolk centrolecithal – with yolk aggregated in the center

LEI- smooth leiodermatous – smooth-skinned

LEMM(A)- sheath, husk neurolemma – delicate elastic membrane outside medullary sheath of nerve fiber

LEP- to seize nympholepsy – ecstacy of an erotic type

LEPID- scale lepidosteoid – a ganoid scale lacking cosmine

LEPT- thin, delicate leptocyte – a thin erythrocyte of decreased volume

LEUK- LEUC- white leukotrichia – whiteness of the hair

LEX- to read dyslexia

LIP- fat liposuction

LITH- -LITE stone monolithic, lithium, lithophyll – a fossil leaf

LOG- word, speech, reason analogy, dyslogia – difficulty in expression of ideas by speech

LOPH- crest, ridge tuft LOPHI- small crest, lophion dilophous – atetractinal spicule with two rays forked like a crest

LY- to loosen, to dissolve, to break up lysine – a cell-dissolving substance

LYMPH- water, lymph cytolymph – the fluid part of protoplasm

MACR- large, long acromacria – spider fingers

MALAC- soft malacology – study of mulluscs

MAST- MAZ- breast acromastitis – inflammation of a nipple

MASTIG- MASTIX- whip, flagellum Mastigophora – a class of flagellated protozoa

MEGA- MEGAL- large, one million megabyte, megaphone, megaphyllous – having relatively large leaves

MEL- limb symmelia – coalescence of the lower extremities

MELAN- black, dark melancholy

MEN- moon, menstruation meniscectomy

MENING- membrane meningosis – union of bones by membranes

MER- part eumerism – an aggregation of like parts

MES- middle mesocarp – middle layer of the pericarp

METR- uterus metremia – congestion of the uterus

MICR- small, one millionth micro, microscope, micromelia – abnormal smallness of the limbs

MIS- hate misanthropy – hatred or distrust of mankind

MIT- thread mitosis – indirect or karyokinetic cell division

MNE- to remember amnesia

MOGI- difficult mogilalia – difficulty in speech

MON- single, one monorail, monochromic – occurring or originating only once

MORPH- form metamorphosis

MY- MYS- MYOS- muscle myochrome – any muscle pigment

MYC- MYCET- fungus neomycin – antibiotic produced by a soil actinomycete

MYEL- spinal cord, marrow myeloblastoma – a tumor composed of precursors of bone marrow cells

MYI- fly myiasis – disease caused by the invasion of the larvae of flies

MYX- mucus, slime myxopodium – a slimy pseudopodium

NARC- stupor narcohypnosis – a state of deep sleep produced by hypnosis

NE- new, new and different form of neon, neo

NECR- corpse, dead tissue necromancer

NEM- NEMAT- thread chromonema – a fine chromatin thread which constitutes the prophase chromosome

NEPHR- kidney nephrotome – section of embryo which kinder structures develop

NEUR- nerve, nervous system, tendon neurotomy – the division of a nerve

NOS- disease nosologic – pertaining to the science of classification of diseases

NOT- the back stenonotal – with a very small thorax

NYCT- night nyctophonia – hysterical loss of voice during the day in one who is capable of speaking at night

OCT(A)- eight octopus, octode – a vacuum tube with eight electrodes

ODONT- tooth orthodontist

ODYN- pain anodyne, odynophobia – morbid dread of pain

OLIG- few, scanty oligarchy

OM- shoulder omitis – obsolete word for the inflammation of the shoulder

OMPHAL- naval omphalion – center of the umbilicus

ONC- -ONCUS tumor, swelling adenoncus – an enlargement or tumor of a gland

ONT- being, individual meront – a uninucleate schizont stage

ONYCH- finger or toenail, claw acronychous – having claws, nails and hoofs

ONYM- name anonymous, synonym, hyponym – a generic name not based on a type of species

OO- egg oozoid – any individual which develops from an egg

OP- OPT- eye, to see PROSOP- face autopsy, optic, myopia

OPHTHALM- eye megalophthalmus – excessive largeness of the eye

OPISTH- behind opisthodont – having back teeth only

ORCHI(I)- ORCHID- testicle orchid, cryptorchism – failure of the testes to descend

ORNIS- ORNITH- bird archaeornis – extinct birds

ORTH- straight, correct orthodox

OSM- smell anosmia – absence of the sense of smell

OST(E)- bone osteoporosis

OT- ear diotic – pertaining to both ears

OXY- OX- sharp, acid, oxygen oxydactyle – having slender, tapering digits

PACHY- thick pachyderm, pachycladous – thick branched

PALE- PALAE- old, ancient paleontology, paleoanthropus – a hominid more primitive than homosapiens

PALI(N)- again, back palirrhea – recurrence of mucus discharge

PAN- PANT- all, complete panacea, pangamic – indiscriminate mating

PATH- disease, suffering, feeling sympathy, pathetic, idiopathic

PED- PAED- child pediatrician

PEN- deficiency, want pancytopenia – reduction of all three formed elements of blood

PENT(A)- five pentagon, pentactinic – five rayed

PEP(S)- PEPT- to digest pepsid ac, pepto bismol

PETR- rock petrify, petrophilous – attached to or living on rocks

PEX- to fasten PAG- united craniopagus – conjoined twins united by their heads

PHA- PHAN- to appear, to show epiphany

PHA- to speak PHEM- voice aphemia – an inability to articulate works or sentences due to central lesion

PHAG- to eat esophagus

PHIL- to love, have an affinity for Philadelphia

PHLEB- vein phlebismus – undue prominence or swelling of a vein

PHON- sound, voice telephone, dysphonia – an impaiment of voice

PHOR- PHER- to bear, to go phosphorous, metaphor

PHOT- light photo, photopsia – sparks or flashes of light manifested in certain pathological conditions of the optic nerve or brain

PHRA- to speak phrase, paraphrase, aphrasia – loss of power to utter connected phrases

PHRAG- to block up, to wall in diaphragm, metaphragma – an internal metathoracic septum in insects

PHREN- mind, diaphragm hypophrenia – feeblemindedness

PHTHI- to waste away phthisiogyne – pupal female ant parasitized by an Orasema larva

PHY- to grow physics, physical, apophysis – a process, outgrowth or projection of some part or organ

PHYC- seaweed, algae Drepanophycus – genus of fossil plants

PHYL- race, class monophyletic – derived from a single common parent form

PHYLAC(T)- to guard, to protect exophylaxis – protection afforded against pathogenic organisms by skin secretions

PHYLL- leaf chlorophyll

PHYT- plant, growth autophyte – a self-nourished plant

PLAN- wandering planet, planoblast – a free-swimming hydroid individual

PLAS(T)- to form, to mold plastic, plaster, chloroplast

PLASY(S)- broad, flat platysma – a subcutaneous muscle in the neck

PLEUR- side, rib, pleura anisopleural – bilaterally asymmetrical

PLEX- stroke PLEG- paralysis paraplegia

-PLO folded, fold diploma, polyploidy – with a reduplication of chromosome number

PNE(A)- PNEUST- breathing holopneustic – with all spiracles open for respiration

PNEUM- PNEUMAT- air, gas pneumonia, pneumatocele – a sac or tumor containing gas

PNEUMON- PHEUM- lung pneumonia, pneumolith – a calculus or concretion occurring in a lung

POD- PUS- foot tripod, octopus

POIE- to make onomatopoeia, hidropoiesis – formation of sweat

POIKIL- varied, irregular, mottled poikilocyte – a large red blood cell of irregular shape

POLI- gray polioplasm – granular cytoplasm

POLY- many, much polygon

POR- passage, pore blastopore – channel leading into archenteron of gastrula

PORPHYR- purple porphyrin – a heterocyclic ring derived from porphin

PRESBY- old Presbyterian, presbycusis – progressive hearing loss occurring with age

PROCT- anus, rectum proctology

PROT- first, original, primitive prototype, proton, protoplasm – living cell substance

PSEUD- false pseudocode

PSYCH- mind, soul psychopathic

PTER- PTERYG(I)- wing, fin helicopter, hyalopterous – having transparent wings

PTO- to fall symptom, proptosis – falling downward

PTY- to spi PTYAL- saliva ptyalin – diastatic enzyme found in saliva

PY- pus pyorrhea – a purulent discharge

PYCN- PYKN- thick, frequent pycnopodia – a genus of starfishes including the twenty rayed stars

PYEL- pelvis, especially of the kidney pyelostomy – incision of the renal pelvis

PYG- buttocks pygidium – the terminal abdominal segment of a beetle

PYL(E)- gate, entrance apopyle – exhalant pore of a sponge

PYR- PYRET- fire, fever PYREX- fever pyrotoxin – a toxic agent generated in the course of the febrile processes

RHABD- rod rhabdomyoma – tumor of striated muscle

RHACH(I)- RACH(I)- -RRHACH- the spine rachiocampsis – curvature of the spine

RHAPH- -RRHAPH- to sew, to suture dysrhaphism – defective raphe formation

RHE- -RRH to slow, current rheophore – an electrode

RHIN- -RRHIN- nose rhinoceros

RHIZ- -RRHIZ- root rhizome – a thick horizontal stem running partly along and partly under ground

-RRHAG- excessive discharge, usually of blood enterorrhagia – intestinal hemorrhage

SALPING- tube, Eustachian or fallopian tube salpingocyesis – tubal pregnancy

SAPR- rotten saprozoic – living on decaying or dead organic matter

SARC- flesh sarcobiont – living on flesh

SAUR- lizard saurian – resembling a lizard

SCHIZ- SCHIS(T)- to split schism, schist – division along parallel planes

SCLER- hard otosclerosis – laying down of new bone around the oral window

SCOP- to view scope, endoscope – instrument used to examine an internal body

SEP- to rot, to putrify antiseptic – preventing sepsis or poisoning by destruction of exclusion of microoraganisms from body tissue

SIAL- saliva glycosialia – presence of glucose in saliva

SIT- foot sitotropism – tendency to turn in direction of food

SOM- SOMAT- body somesthesia – sensibility to bodily sensations

SPA- to draw, to jerk spasmophemia – obsolete term for stuttering

SPERM(A)- SPERMAT- seed, semen spermatozoon – a male reproductive cell

SPHEN- wedge sphenoid – a basal compound skull bone of some vertebrates

SPHYGM- pulse sphygmogram – the tracing made by the sphygmograph

SPIR- coil spiral, spiraster – a spiral and ragged sponge spiracle

SPLANCHN- entrails, viscera somaticosplanchnic – relating to the body and viscera

SPLEN- spleen gastrosplenic – relating to the stomach and the spleen

SPONDYL- vertebra polyspondyly – condition of having multiple vertebral parts

SPOR- seed, spore acrospore – spore on end of sporophore

STA- to stand, to stop, to fix, to regulate static, thermostat

STAPHYL- bunch of grapes, uvula staphylococcus – nonmotile, gram positive, spherical bacteria sometimes occurring in clusters

STEAR- STEAT- fat, tallow asteatosis – absence of sebaceous secretion

STEN- narrow stenocardia – obsolete term for angina pectoris

STERE- solid, three-dimensional stereotype, stereo, stereoplasm – more solid part of protoplasm

STERN- chest, breastbone eusternum – a sternal sclerite of insects

STETH- chest microstethophone – a stethoscope which amplifies the sounds heard

STHEN- strength anisosthenic – not of equal power

STIG- pricking, mark, point osteostixis – surgical puncturing of a bone

STOL- STAL- STLE- tosend, to contract systole – contraction of heart

STOM- STOMAT- mouth, opening stomach, microstome – small opening

STREPT- STROPH- turned, twisted apostrophe, phlebostrepsis – the twisting of a vein

STYL- pillar styloid – processes of the temporal bone

SYRING- SYRINX- pipe, tube syringadenoma – a sweat-gland tumor

TA- to stretch myotasis – muscular tension or toxicity

TAC- TAX- to arrange, to put in order tactics, syntax

TACH(Y)- swift tachyphagia – rapid-eating

TARS- instep, edge of the eye tarsoptosia – flat foot

TEL(E)- completion, end, purpose atelosis – dwarfism

TELE- afar, operating at a distance telegraph, telephone, telescope, teleopsia – a disorder in a visual perception of space

TETR(A)- four tetracheirus – having four hands

THALL- young shoot merithallus – a stem unit

THANAT- death thanatophobia – a morbid fear of death

THE- to put, to place thesis, hypothesis, parenthesis

THEC(A)- case, sheath podotheca – a foot-covering

THEL- nipple mesothelium – tissue lining body cavities

THERM- heat hypothermia

THI- sulfur thiogenic – applies to sulfur producing bacteria

THORAC- chest, thorax thoracocrytosis – excessive curvature of the thorax

THROMB- clot thrombocyte – blood platelet

THYM- mind, emotions euthymia – joyful but tranquil mood

TOC- TOK- childbirth oligotocous – bearing few young

TOM- to cut, section enTOM- insect anatomy

TON- stretching, tension tonic, isotonic – of equal tension

TOP- place topography

TOX- poison toxin, cytotoxin – a cell poisoning substance found in blood serum

TRACHEL- neck trachelagra – rheumatic or gouty pain in the neck

TRE(T)- to bore, to perforate atertostomia – inperforation of the mouth

TRI- three tricycle, tricoccus – a three carpel fruit

TRIB- TRIP- to rub, to crush osteotribe – a bone rasp

TRICH- THRIX- hair schizotrachia – splitting of the hair

TROCH- wheel, disk telotroch – pre-anal tuft of cilia of trochosphere

TROP- TREP- to turn, response to stimulus tropic

TROPH- nourishment, development autotroph

UR- tail urosthenic – having tail strongly developed for propulsion

UR- URE- urine, urinary system, to urinate ureter

XANTH- yellow xanthopsin – yellow pigment in an insect eye

XEN- host, stranger, foreigner xenophobia, monoxenous – confined to a single species of hosts

XER- dry xeric – characterized by a scanty supply of moisture

XYL- wood xylophone, melanoxylon – black wood

ZO- animal, living being zoology, zodiac

ZYG- yoke azygomelous – having unpaired appendages

ZYM- ferment, enzyme zymosis – fermentation

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(H)APT- to touch (H)APH- sense of touch aphephobia – morbid fear of contact with other persons

ACANTH- thorn, pricle hexacanth – having six hooks

ACOU- ACU- to hear acoustic

ACR- extremity, summit acropolis, acrobat

ACTIN- ray actinogenic – producting radiation

ADELPH- brother Philadelphia, adelphogamy – brother and sister mating

ADEN- gland adenophore – the stalk of a nectar gland

AER- air, gas aerosol, aeroplane

AGOG(UE)- inducing the flow of, expelling cholagogue – an agent which promotes the flow of bile

-AGRA painful seizure arthragra – muscular pain in the joints

ALEX- to ward off alexin – a complement

ALG- pain analgesic – remedy for relieving pain

ALL- other, different parallel, allogamy – cross-fertilization; opposite of autogamy

AMBLY- dull

AMYGDAL- almond, tonsil amygdalitis – inflammation of the tonsils

AMYL- starch amyloid – a starchlike chemical

ANCON- elbow anconeus – a small muscle at the back of the elbow joint

ANDR- man, male android

ANGI- vessel angiitis – inflammation of blood or lymph vessel

ANKYL- bent, stiff, adhesion of parts ankylocheilia – adhesion of the lips

ANTH- flower chrysanthemum

ANTHROP- man, human being anthropology

ANTR- cavity, sinus antritis – maxillary sinusitis

ARACHN- spider arachnidium – apparatus by which a spider web is produced

ARCH(E)- ancient, beginning, primitive archeology, archenteron – embryonic alimentary cavity

ARGYR- silver argyria – dusty gray discoloration of skin

ARTHR- joint, speech sound, articulation arthritis

ASC- bag ascogenous – producing asci

ASTR- ASTER- star asterisk, astrology

AUT- self automobile

AUX(E)- increase auxesis – increase in size or bulk

BA- to step, to go, to walk acrobat, base, basis, basophobia

BALAN- acorn, the glans penis balanoid – acorn shaped

BALL- BOL- BLE- to throw, to put metabolism

BAR- weight, pressure BARY- heavy barometer, baritone

BI- life biography

BLAST- bud, germ, embryonic cell astroblast – a primitive cell which develops into an astrocyte

BLENN- mucus oligoblennia – a deficient secretion of mucus

BLEP- to see ablepsia – loss of vision

BLEPHAR- eyelid ablephary – absence of the eyelids

BRACHI- arm brachiopod – member of a subclass of marine mulluscs having many foliaceous appendages

BRACHY- short brachypodous – possessing a short foot or stalk

BRADY- slow bradycardia – abnormal slowness of the heart

BRANCHI- gills arthrobranchial – pertaining to joint gills

BROM- stench, bromine bromide bromopnea – fetid breath

BRONCH(I)- air tube bronchitis – inflammation of mucous membrane of bronchial tubes

BRY- moss bryophyte – any of the mosses or liverworts

BUL- BOUL- will hyperbulia – exaggerated willfulness

CAC- KAK- bad cacesthesia – any morbid sensation

CALYPT(R)- hidden calyptobranchiate – with gills not visible from exterior

CAMP(T)- CAMPYL- bent acampsia – inflexibility or rigidity of a joint or limb

CARCIN- cancer carcinogen – any cancer producing substance

CARDI- heart

CARP- fruit actinocarpous – plants with flowers and fruit radially arranged

CARP- wrist carpitis – arthritis of the carpal joint in domestic animals

CAU- CAUS- to burn holocaust, cryocautery – destruction of tissues by application of extreme cold

CEL(I)- COEL- -COEL cavity, abdominal cavity celiotomy – opening of the abdominal cavity

-CELE hernia, swelling enterocele – hernia containing a loop of intestine

CENTE- to puncture enterocentesis – surgical puncture of the intestine

CEPHAL- head enCEPHAL- brain acrocephaly – deformity of the head

CERC- tail circus – jointed appendage at end of abdomen occurring in many arthropods

CHEIL- CHIL- lip acheilia – absence of the lips

CHIR- CHEIR- hand chiropractor, chirography – handwriting

CHLAMYD- cloak, envelope haplochlamydeous – having rudimentary leaves in connection with sporophylls

CHLOR- green, chlorine chloroplast

CHOL(E)- bile, gall melancholy, cholochrome – any bile pigment

CHONDR- CHONDRI- cartilage, granule hypochondriac

CHOR(I)- fetal membrane, tunic of the eyeball chorioblastosis – abnormal proliferation of cells of the chorion

CHORD- cord chorditis – inflammation of the spermatic cord

CHROM- CHROMAT- CHRO- color monochrome

CHRON- time chrono trigger, chronological

CHY- to pour CHYM- CHYL- juice chylophyllous – with fleshy leaves

CLAD- branch cladode – branch arising from axil of leaf or green

CLAS- to break arthroclasia – breaking down of ankylosis of joint

CLEID- clavicle hypocleidium – the interclavicle

CLI- CLEI- to close CLEIST- closed iridenclaisis – stretching of the iris

CLON(US)- muscle spasm logoclonia – explosive or spasmodic enunciation of words

CLY(S)- to wash enteroclysis – injection of a fluid preparation into the rectum

COCC- berry-shaped organism cytococcus – nucleus of a fertilized egg

COL- colon colic

COLL(A)- glue collagen – the albuminoid substance of the white fiber of connective tissue

COLP- vagina aerocolpos – distention of the vagina with air or gas

CONDYL- knob, knuckle amphicondylous – having two ccipital condyles

CONI- dust conidiophore – bearing condia, a fungal spore

COPR- excrement coprolite – petrified feces

COR(E)- pupil of the eye cornea, corediastasis – dilation of the pupil

CORM- trunk of a tree or body schistocormus – a monster having a cleft thorax

CRA- to mix crater, hematodyscrasia – diseased state of the blood

CRANI- cranium amphicrania – headache affecting both sides of head

CRI- to separate, to distinguish CRIN- to secrete critic, hypocrite, endocrine – secreting internally

CROT- pulse beat anacrotism – the condition in which two or more notches occur on the ascending limb of the pulse curve

CRY- CRYM- cold, ice crystal

CRYPT- hidden

CYAN- blue cyan, cyanide, cyanochrous – having a blue skin

CYCL- circle, wheel, ciliary body of the eye cycle, cyclone, acryclia – state of arrested circulation of body fluids

CYE- to be pregnant cyophoria – pregnancy, gestation

CYN- dog cynic, cynopodous – with nonretractile claws

CYST- bladder, cyst, sac polycystic – containing many cysts

CYT- cell cytosome

DACRY- tear dacryocystitis – inflammation of the lacrimal sac

DACTYLE- finger, toe

DE- to bind DESM- ligament adesmy – a break or a division in an organ

DEC(A)- ten decathlon, decapod – having ten legs

DEM- people, country democracy, epidemic

DENDR- tree zoodendrium – a treelike branched stalk of certain colonial infusorians

DERM- DERMAT- skin dermatologist

DEUT- DEUTER- second deuterogenesis – second phase of embryonic development

DI- twice, double dilemma, dibranchiate – having two gills

DICH- in two dichoptic – having the borders of the compound eye separate

DIDYM- twin, testicle didymospore – a two-celled spore

DIPS- thirst adipsia – absence of thirst

DOCH- to take or receive sialodochoplasty – plastic surgery of a salivary gland duct

DOLICH- long dolichorrhine – having a long nose

DREPAN- sickle drepanocyte – a crescent shaped cell

DROM- running, course syndrome

DYNAM- DYN- power dynasty, dyno

EC- OEC- OEK- OIK- OIC- house economy, ecology, zooecium – a chamber or sac enclosing a polyzoan nutritive zooid

ECH- echo, repetition echolalia – the meaningless repetition of words spoken by others

EDE- to swell edema – excessive accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces

EME- to vomit hyperemesis – excessive vomiting

ENNE(A)- nine ennead – a group of nine

ENTER- intestine anenterous – having no alimentary tract

EO(S)- dawn or early age, rosy Eolithic – relating to earliest period of the Stone Age

ER- EROT- love zooerastia – sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal

ERG- work energy, allergy

ERYTHR- red photerythrous – sensitivity to the red end of the spectrum

ESTHER- AESTHE- ESTHE- to feel, to perceive aesthetics

EURY(S)- wide euryphagous – subsisting on a wide variety of foods

GALACT- GALA- milk galaxy, galactose, galactorrhea – excessive flow of milk

GAM- marriage, union monogamy

GANGLI- mass of nerve tissue, small cyst or swelling gangliocyte – a ganglion cell outside the central nervous system

GATR- GASTER- stomach, belly of a muscle gastronomic

GE- earth geography

GEN(E)- GON- to be produced, to produce GON- seed genesis, hydrogen, genocide, gonad – sexual gland

GENY- jaw, cheek GENI- chin genyplasty – surgical reconstruction of the jaw

GER- GERONT- old person, old age gerodontia – dentistry for the aged

GEU- to taste dysgeusia – perversion of the sense of taste

GLAUC- silver, gray-green glaucophane – blue, bluish black, grayish silicate of sodium

GLI- glue angiogliomatosis – a glioma rich in blood vessels

GLOSS- GLOT(T)- tongue, language glossary

GLYC- sugar GLYCOS- sugar, glucose glycogen

GNATH- jaw

GNO- to know diagnosis

GON(I)- angle trigonometry, pentagon, hexagon, trigonid – triangle of cusps of the lower molar teeth

GON(Y)- GONAT- knee gonalgia – pain in the knew joint

GRAPH- to write -GRAM thing written graph, biography, paragraph, cardiogram

GYMN- naked, uncovered gymnasium

GYN(E)- GYNEC- GYNAEC- female ergatogyne – a female ant

GYR- circle, ring gyroidal – spiral in arrangement

HAL- salt halite – rock salt

HAPL- single haploid – having the number of chromosomes characteristic of mature germ cells for the organism in question

HECT- hundred hectare, hectogram – one hundred grams

HELI- sun helium, heliocentric, heliopsis – a flower resembling the sunflower

HELIC- HELIX spiral helicopter, helix

HELMINTH- worm helminthoma – a tumor caused by the presence of a parasitic worm

HEM- HEMAT- HAEM- HAEMAT- blood haematobic – living in blood

HEMI- half hemisphere, hemibranch – a gill having filaments on one side only

HEPAT- HEPAR- liver hepatitis

HEPT(A)- seven heptagynous – having seven pistils

HETER- other, different heterogeneous

HEX(A)- six hexagon, hexagynous – having six pistils

HIDRO(S)- sweat chromhidrosis – a rare condition in which the sweat is colored

HIPP- horse hippopotamus, Hippidion – genus of extinct Pleistocene horses

HIST- HISTI- tissue histozoic – living on or within the tissues

HOD- OD- road, way method, cathode

HOL- whole, entire holocaust, hologynic – sex linked characteristics transmitting directly from female to female

HOM- HOME- same, similar homosexual, homochromous – of one color

HYAL- glass, vitreous body of the eye hyalinosis – hyaline degeneration

HYDR- water, fluid hydrant, hydrogen

HYGR- moisture hygroscopic – readily absorbing moisture

HYPN- sleep hypnosis, hypnotherapy – treatment of disease by hypnosis

HYSTER- uterus, hysteria hysterotomy – incision of the uterus

IATR- physician, medical treatment psychiatry

ICHTHY- fish ichthyotoxismus – food poisoning from fish

IDE- idea, mental image idea, ideophobia – morbid fear of ideas

IDI- one’s own, peculiar, distinct idiot, idiom, ideology, idiotype – individual genotype

IN- fiber, muscle inosemia – excess of fibrin in blood

IRID- IRIS- iris, rainbow

IS- equal, same isozoic – inhabited by similar forms of animal life

ISCH- to suppress ischuria – retention or suppression of the urine

ISCHI- hip ischiodidymus – conjoined twins united at the hip

KARY- CARY- nucleus, nut caryoclastic – agent which splits the cell nucleus

KERAT- CERAT- KER- CER- horn, horny tissue, cornea rhinoceros, brachycerous – short horned

KILO- one thousand kilogram – one thousand grams

KINE- CINE- to move cinema, kinetic

KYM- CYM- wave cymotrichous – having wavy hair

LAL- to talk bradylalia – flowness of utterance

LARYNG- larynx laryngopathy – any disease of the larynx

LECITH- yolk centrolecithal – with yolk aggregated in the center

LEI- smooth leiodermatous – smooth-skinned

LEMM(A)- sheath, husk neurolemma – delicate elastic membrane outside medullary sheath of nerve fiber

LEP- to seize nympholepsy – ecstacy of an erotic type

LEPID- scale lepidosteoid – a ganoid scale lacking cosmine

LEPT- thin, delicate leptocyte – a thin erythrocyte of decreased volume

LEUK- LEUC- white leukotrichia – whiteness of the hair

LEX- to read dyslexia

LIP- fat liposuction

LITH- -LITE stone monolithic, lithium, lithophyll – a fossil leaf

LOG- word, speech, reason analogy, dyslogia – difficulty in expression of ideas by speech

LOPH- crest, ridge tuft LOPHI- small crest, lophion dilophous – atetractinal spicule with two rays forked like a crest

LY- to loosen, to dissolve, to break up lysine – a cell-dissolving substance

LYMPH- water, lymph cytolymph – the fluid part of protoplasm

MACR- large, long acromacria – spider fingers

MALAC- soft malacology – study of mulluscs

MAST- MAZ- breast acromastitis – inflammation of a nipple

MASTIG- MASTIX- whip, flagellum Mastigophora – a class of flagellated protozoa

MEGA- MEGAL- large, one million megabyte, megaphone, megaphyllous – having relatively large leaves

MEL- limb symmelia – coalescence of the lower extremities

MELAN- black, dark melancholy

MEN- moon, menstruation meniscectomy

MENING- membrane meningosis – union of bones by membranes

MER- part eumerism – an aggregation of like parts

MES- middle mesocarp – middle layer of the pericarp

METR- uterus metremia – congestion of the uterus

MICR- small, one millionth micro, microscope, micromelia – abnormal smallness of the limbs

MIS- hate misanthropy – hatred or distrust of mankind

MIT- thread mitosis – indirect or karyokinetic cell division

MNE- to remember amnesia

MOGI- difficult mogilalia – difficulty in speech

MON- single, one monorail, monochromic – occurring or originating only once

MORPH- form metamorphosis

MY- MYS- MYOS- muscle myochrome – any muscle pigment

MYC- MYCET- fungus neomycin – antibiotic produced by a soil actinomycete

MYEL- spinal cord, marrow myeloblastoma – a tumor composed of precursors of bone marrow cells

MYI- fly myiasis – disease caused by the invasion of the larvae of flies

MYX- mucus, slime myxopodium – a slimy pseudopodium

NARC- stupor narcohypnosis – a state of deep sleep produced by hypnosis

NE- new, new and different form of neon, neo

NECR- corpse, dead tissue necromancer

NEM- NEMAT- thread chromonema – a fine chromatin thread which constitutes the prophase chromosome

NEPHR- kidney nephrotome – section of embryo which kinder structures develop

NEUR- nerve, nervous system, tendon neurotomy – the division of a nerve

NOS- disease nosologic – pertaining to the science of classification of diseases

NOT- the back stenonotal – with a very small thorax

NYCT- night nyctophonia – hysterical loss of voice during the day in one who is capable of speaking at night

OCT(A)- eight octopus, octode – a vacuum tube with eight electrodes

ODONT- tooth orthodontist

ODYN- pain anodyne, odynophobia – morbid dread of pain

OLIG- few, scanty oligarchy

OM- shoulder omitis – obsolete word for the inflammation of the shoulder

OMPHAL- naval omphalion – center of the umbilicus

ONC- -ONCUS tumor, swelling adenoncus – an enlargement or tumor of a gland

ONT- being, individual meront – a uninucleate schizont stage

ONYCH- finger or toenail, claw acronychous – having claws, nails and hoofs

ONYM- name anonymous, synonym, hyponym – a generic name not based on a type of species

OO- egg oozoid – any individual which develops from an egg

OP- OPT- eye, to see PROSOP- face autopsy, optic, myopia

OPHTHALM- eye megalophthalmus – excessive largeness of the eye

OPISTH- behind opisthodont – having back teeth only

ORCHI(I)- ORCHID- testicle orchid, cryptorchism – failure of the testes to descend

ORNIS- ORNITH- bird archaeornis – extinct birds

ORTH- straight, correct orthodox

OSM- smell anosmia – absence of the sense of smell

OST(E)- bone osteoporosis

OT- ear diotic – pertaining to both ears

OXY- OX- sharp, acid, oxygen oxydactyle – having slender, tapering digits

PACHY- thick pachyderm, pachycladous – thick branched

PALE- PALAE- old, ancient paleontology, paleoanthropus – a hominid more primitive than homosapiens

PALI(N)- again, back palirrhea – recurrence of mucus discharge

PAN- PANT- all, complete panacea, pangamic – indiscriminate mating

PATH- disease, suffering, feeling sympathy, pathetic, idiopathic

PED- PAED- child pediatrician

PEN- deficiency, want pancytopenia – reduction of all three formed elements of blood

PENT(A)- five pentagon, pentactinic – five rayed

PEP(S)- PEPT- to digest pepsid ac, pepto bismol

PETR- rock petrify, petrophilous – attached to or living on rocks

PEX- to fasten PAG- united craniopagus – conjoined twins united by their heads

PHA- PHAN- to appear, to show epiphany

PHA- to speak PHEM- voice aphemia – an inability to articulate works or sentences due to central lesion

PHAG- to eat esophagus

PHIL- to love, have an affinity for Philadelphia

PHLEB- vein phlebismus – undue prominence or swelling of a vein

PHON- sound, voice telephone, dysphonia – an impaiment of voice

PHOR- PHER- to bear, to go phosphorous, metaphor

PHOT- light photo, photopsia – sparks or flashes of light manifested in certain pathological conditions of the optic nerve or brain

PHRA- to speak phrase, paraphrase, aphrasia – loss of power to utter connected phrases

PHRAG- to block up, to wall in diaphragm, metaphragma – an internal metathoracic septum in insects

PHREN- mind, diaphragm hypophrenia – feeblemindedness

PHTHI- to waste away phthisiogyne – pupal female ant parasitized by an Orasema larva

PHY- to grow physics, physical, apophysis – a process, outgrowth or projection of some part or organ

PHYC- seaweed, algae Drepanophycus – genus of fossil plants

PHYL- race, class monophyletic – derived from a single common parent form

PHYLAC(T)- to guard, to protect exophylaxis – protection afforded against pathogenic organisms by skin secretions

PHYLL- leaf chlorophyll

PHYT- plant, growth autophyte – a self-nourished plant

PLAN- wandering planet, planoblast – a free-swimming hydroid individual

PLAS(T)- to form, to mold plastic, plaster, chloroplast

PLASY(S)- broad, flat platysma – a subcutaneous muscle in the neck

PLEUR- side, rib, pleura anisopleural – bilaterally asymmetrical

PLEX- stroke PLEG- paralysis paraplegia

-PLO folded, fold diploma, polyploidy – with a reduplication of chromosome number

PNE(A)- PNEUST- breathing holopneustic – with all spiracles open for respiration

PNEUM- PNEUMAT- air, gas pneumonia, pneumatocele – a sac or tumor containing gas

PNEUMON- PHEUM- lung pneumonia, pneumolith – a calculus or concretion occurring in a lung

POD- PUS- foot tripod, octopus

POIE- to make onomatopoeia, hidropoiesis – formation of sweat

POIKIL- varied, irregular, mottled poikilocyte – a large red blood cell of irregular shape

POLI- gray polioplasm – granular cytoplasm

POLY- many, much polygon

POR- passage, pore blastopore – channel leading into archenteron of gastrula

PORPHYR- purple porphyrin – a heterocyclic ring derived from porphin

PRESBY- old Presbyterian, presbycusis – progressive hearing loss occurring with age

PROCT- anus, rectum proctology

PROT- first, original, primitive prototype, proton, protoplasm – living cell substance

PSEUD- false pseudocode

PSYCH- mind, soul psychopathic

PTER- PTERYG(I)- wing, fin helicopter, hyalopterous – having transparent wings

PTO- to fall symptom, proptosis – falling downward

PTY- to spi PTYAL- saliva ptyalin – diastatic enzyme found in saliva

PY- pus pyorrhea – a purulent discharge

PYCN- PYKN- thick, frequent pycnopodia – a genus of starfishes including the twenty rayed stars

PYEL- pelvis, especially of the kidney pyelostomy – incision of the renal pelvis

PYG- buttocks pygidium – the terminal abdominal segment of a beetle

PYL(E)- gate, entrance apopyle – exhalant pore of a sponge

PYR- PYRET- fire, fever PYREX- fever pyrotoxin – a toxic agent generated in the course of the febrile processes

RHABD- rod rhabdomyoma – tumor of striated muscle

RHACH(I)- RACH(I)- -RRHACH- the spine rachiocampsis – curvature of the spine

RHAPH- -RRHAPH- to sew, to suture dysrhaphism – defective raphe formation

RHE- -RRH to slow, current rheophore – an electrode

RHIN- -RRHIN- nose rhinoceros

RHIZ- -RRHIZ- root rhizome – a thick horizontal stem running partly along and partly under ground

-RRHAG- excessive discharge, usually of blood enterorrhagia – intestinal hemorrhage

SALPING- tube, Eustachian or fallopian tube salpingocyesis – tubal pregnancy

SAPR- rotten saprozoic – living on decaying or dead organic matter

SARC- flesh sarcobiont – living on flesh

SAUR- lizard saurian – resembling a lizard

SCHIZ- SCHIS(T)- to split schism, schist – division along parallel planes

SCLER- hard otosclerosis – laying down of new bone around the oral window

SCOP- to view scope, endoscope – instrument used to examine an internal body

SEP- to rot, to putrify antiseptic – preventing sepsis or poisoning by destruction of exclusion of microoraganisms from body tissue

SIAL- saliva glycosialia – presence of glucose in saliva

SIT- foot sitotropism – tendency to turn in direction of food

SOM- SOMAT- body somesthesia – sensibility to bodily sensations

SPA- to draw, to jerk spasmophemia – obsolete term for stuttering

SPERM(A)- SPERMAT- seed, semen spermatozoon – a male reproductive cell

SPHEN- wedge sphenoid – a basal compound skull bone of some vertebrates

SPHYGM- pulse sphygmogram – the tracing made by the sphygmograph

SPIR- coil spiral, spiraster – a spiral and ragged sponge spiracle

SPLANCHN- entrails, viscera somaticosplanchnic – relating to the body and viscera

SPLEN- spleen gastrosplenic – relating to the stomach and the spleen

SPONDYL- vertebra polyspondyly – condition of having multiple vertebral parts

SPOR- seed, spore acrospore – spore on end of sporophore

STA- to stand, to stop, to fix, to regulate static, thermostat

STAPHYL- bunch of grapes, uvula staphylococcus – nonmotile, gram positive, spherical bacteria sometimes occurring in clusters

STEAR- STEAT- fat, tallow asteatosis – absence of sebaceous secretion

STEN- narrow stenocardia – obsolete term for angina pectoris

STERE- solid, three-dimensional stereotype, stereo, stereoplasm – more solid part of protoplasm

STERN- chest, breastbone eusternum – a sternal sclerite of insects

STETH- chest microstethophone – a stethoscope which amplifies the sounds heard

STHEN- strength anisosthenic – not of equal power

STIG- pricking, mark, point osteostixis – surgical puncturing of a bone

STOL- STAL- STLE- tosend, to contract systole – contraction of heart

STOM- STOMAT- mouth, opening stomach, microstome – small opening

STREPT- STROPH- turned, twisted apostrophe, phlebostrepsis – the twisting of a vein

STYL- pillar styloid – processes of the temporal bone

SYRING- SYRINX- pipe, tube syringadenoma – a sweat-gland tumor

TA- to stretch myotasis – muscular tension or toxicity

TAC- TAX- to arrange, to put in order tactics, syntax

TACH(Y)- swift tachyphagia – rapid-eating

TARS- instep, edge of the eye tarsoptosia – flat foot

TEL(E)- completion, end, purpose atelosis – dwarfism

TELE- afar, operating at a distance telegraph, telephone, telescope, teleopsia – a disorder in a visual perception of space

TETR(A)- four tetracheirus – having four hands

THALL- young shoot merithallus – a stem unit

THANAT- death thanatophobia – a morbid fear of death

THE- to put, to place thesis, hypothesis, parenthesis

THEC(A)- case, sheath podotheca – a foot-covering

THEL- nipple mesothelium – tissue lining body cavities

THERM- heat hypothermia

THI- sulfur thiogenic – applies to sulfur producing bacteria

THORAC- chest, thorax thoracocrytosis – excessive curvature of the thorax

THROMB- clot thrombocyte – blood platelet

THYM- mind, emotions euthymia – joyful but tranquil mood

TOC- TOK- childbirth oligotocous – bearing few young

TOM- to cut, section enTOM- insect anatomy

TON- stretching, tension tonic, isotonic – of equal tension

TOP- place topography

TOX- poison toxin, cytotoxin – a cell poisoning substance found in blood serum

TRACHEL- neck trachelagra – rheumatic or gouty pain in the neck

TRE(T)- to bore, to perforate atertostomia – inperforation of the mouth

TRI- three tricycle, tricoccus – a three carpel fruit

TRIB- TRIP- to rub, to crush osteotribe – a bone rasp

TRICH- THRIX- hair schizotrachia – splitting of the hair

TROCH- wheel, disk telotroch – pre-anal tuft of cilia of trochosphere

TROP- TREP- to turn, response to stimulus tropic

TROPH- nourishment, development autotroph

UR- tail urosthenic – having tail strongly developed for propulsion

UR- URE- urine, urinary system, to urinate ureter

XANTH- yellow xanthopsin – yellow pigment in an insect eye

XEN- host, stranger, foreigner xenophobia, monoxenous – confined to a single species of hosts

XER- dry xeric – characterized by a scanty supply of moisture

XYL- wood xylophone, melanoxylon – black wood

ZO- animal, living being zoology, zodiac

ZYG- yoke azygomelous – having unpaired appendages

ZYM- ferment, enzyme zymosis – fermentation

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