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Topic: English
Number of pages / Number of words: 3 / 599
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Leaders, whether they are of a company or an army, are constantly influences by fear. Businessmen fear losing money, accounts, and possibly their jobs. One's fears drive him to cunning and often ruthless actions in order to get ahead of his competition. Though he may hide these fears behind a strong exterior, it remains a potent motivating force in his life...

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All through the play Macbeth's fear of being caught contributes to many of his evil actions. Fear can force people into great actions, into situations that force them to make the decision to face their fear and rise above it, or to succumb to their fears and fail in their objectives. Fear both motivates and hinders peoples' actions, but remains one of the great stimuli for accomplishment in life...

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General points of the essay

Fear of Losing Control Fear in Macbeth Macbeth- Fear And Ambition MacBeth - Analysis of Fear Fear nothing fear Fear 2 The Art of Fear Fear of Fear Fear The Net Fear or Not fear of the gmo My Greatest Fear Fear and Trembling Death: Should we fear it?

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