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Buy custom Leonardo da Vinci

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Topic: Biographies
Number of pages / Number of words: 4 / 1101
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He studied optics and tried to make large round mirrors, like the ones used in telescopes. Craftsmen in Leonardo's time knew how to use and repair familiar machines. Leonardo figured if he could understand how each machine part worked; he could use these parts to make new machines.

He was also interested in botany, human anatomy, and used animal parts from a butcher shop to study...

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He also tried to dissect a human corpse, but got in trouble with the Catholic Church because it was considered a sin. But he was able to develop a model of how the human heart works.

In 1514s to 1516 Leonardo lived in Rome, and built both toys and machines. He studied optics and tried to make large round mirrors, like the ones used in telescopes...

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