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Topic: Art
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The art collection has been considered a global affair. Most of the artworks that are made in specific places are usually sorted by people living in other locations. Over the past millennium, art collection has been an activity of interest not only to its people but also to other countries. Most specifically, the Los Angeles County Museum of Arts (LACMA) has integrated some of the artworks from China as well as Japan had done in a particular period. These arts differ significantly from one country to the other. Therefore, this term paper will try to identify some specific paintings done by the Chinese and the Japanese during a given period that is stored in LACMA and also to find differences that can be seen in such paintings.

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Chinese Art: Splashed-Ink Style landscape

Chinese painting (Gohua) is one of the oldest artistic traditions in world history. In comparison with the Western painting, it is evident that these traditional Chinese paintings involved the use of calligraphy and was done with a brush dipped in ink, specifically black ink or sometimes plants pigments of different colors (Baghdiantz-McCabe 1335). This is opposed to the Western painting which involves up to now the use of oils. There are some paintings associated with Chinese arts that goes hand in hand with different ages. The most significant type of painting of this kind is the Splashed-ink style landscape by Sesshu Toyo. This type of art was critical during the Muromachi period (1333-1578). During this period, most of the paintings were characterized by different modifications that involved the use of bright colors in the Chinese manner of Sumi-e (Shu 15). The painting during this period majorly emphasized on the use of black ink that was as well used in most calligraphy.

Splashed-ink style landscape was made by splashing the black ink in the paper through a meditative concentration of its kind. Besides, the practitioners during this period could use sharp dotted brushstrokes to demonstrate their creativity. Most importantly, at this age painting became more meaningful and they were elaborate and clearer as compared to the earlier paintings such as the mountain paintings; age painting became more significant. Therefore, the Muromachi period had a great influence on the artwork among the Chinese.

Japanese Painting: Yukihira and Two Brinemaidens at Suma

Japanese painting is one of the oldest of its time. Since it may borrow much from the Chinese paintings, it has great influences in many ways the western painting and artistic work. Japanese painting encompasses a wide variety of genres and styles through a given specific period. Areas that symbolize strongly the fact that Japan had borrowed some knowledge from the Chinese painting including the Buddhist religion and the ink-wash paintings that were deployed in landscapes and other materials paintings of the landscape and as well as calligraphy (TURKEL 404). However, over the periods, the Japanese have tried and digested the differences that have always existed between the two traditions. Japanese painting, as well as its uniqueness, has demonstrated a wider influence on artwork within the LACMA.

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The most significant Japanese painting found in LACMA is Yukihira and Two Brinemaidens at Suma. This is one of the Japanese artwork that was done during the Edo period (1615-1868). During the 18th century, the artist Masanobu painted this picture. Edo period is characterized by the different uses of painting techniques, ink, and brushes used (TURKEL 404). Based on the painting, the setting is lightly sketched in ink to demonstrate Suma’s shore, but the central colorful painting demonstrates a floating world of Edo’s quarter. The painting shows the sisters’ lover who is demonstrated as a figure of nonchalance. This period is also identified with playful fantasy as can be seen in the painting.


Evidentially, Chinese paintings have served the longest as compared to Japanese paintings. Over the past 5000 years, Chinese have been existing in the world of painting as Japanese serving for at least 1500 years in painting arts (Baghdiantz-McCabe 1337). Therefore, wider differences, as well as various similarities, can be depicted among the two origins of painting based on different periods.


Unlike in loose Chinese paintings that use freer brushstrokes, Japanese painting arts are more precise and restrained. During the Edo period, the Japanese developed more distinctive and presentable fine and decorative arts. Withal, the similarity between Chinese arts and Japanese art is that the Japanese also use ink wash painting of landscapes that was seen among the Chinese painting culture. Japanese arts are also evolving with the changing environment and the modification of a view, unlike the Chinese paintings. Chinese arts are more conservative and inflexible. Most importantly, the two arts are dependent on each other as much as Chinese culture is portrayed as the most ancient.


In conclusion, most of the artworks found in LACMA, specifically, paintings originating from different countries demonstrate many similarities and differences that make them distinctive. Based on the period evolved, Chinese and Japanese paintings influence the population of ages differently. Such pictures differ in the type of instruments that were used to paint them such as brushes. On the other hand, the type of paints, as well as the specific type of painting demonstrates a wide disparity between the two cultures. However, the primary importance of keeping such pictures is to conserve different cultures over the ages. Therefore, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is a resourceful hub for the conservation of different cultures.

General points of the essay

Chinese and Japanese Painting in Los Angeles Civil War Painting Four Styles of Roman Wall Painting and Mosaics Genre And Landscape Painting History of Oil Painting japanese ink paintings The Kiss Painting white male v. chinese/japanese Chinese and Japanese Similar Fiction Stories Compare And Contrast Italian Renaissance Painting And Sculpture To The Northern Renaissance Painting And Sculpture Compare And Contrast The Painting And The Sculpture Of The Italian Renaissance With The Painting And Sculpture Of The Northern Renaissance Direct Painting Painting Interpretation painting painting: the lost art?

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